Sunday 6 February 2011

The clue is in the name.

So here I am, the first entry on my new blog.
After three years (this time) of Triumph ownership, I'm putting down on computer some of my experiences, as they happen, of  running big saloons as (almost) everyday cars.

Although not restoring either car, using and improving them both is almost inevitable, if you want to have reliable, jump in and drive, classics.

So to the cars. Two mk2s.

The 2500S estate, is an early example, which we have owned since Jan 2008, the 'catalyst' if you like.
Bought in Oxfordshire, and originally registered to BL Power and Transmissions division (an assessment car), with 4 previous owners, 1 for 29 years and with 113k on the clock.
It has many of the recognised improvements usually found on these cars.
Stag front brakes, polybushed suspension, Chris Witor springs and semi sport stainless exhaust, relays feeding the headlights etc. It has also had full outer and middle sills with new jacking points fitted last summer, just in time to compete in the Club Triumph RBRR.
With three kids between Amanda and I we often take advantage of the practicalities that the estates have to offer. It can also be seen at some of the bigger classic events towing a large trailer full of 'show' equipment, helping us in our role as 'Show coordinators' for the Triumph 2000 Register.

The pi saloon, tax free, manual overdrive, weathershield roof and factory power steering, it must have cost a fair bit when purchased in February '71. It was a company car registered to a banker at Lloyds of London EC1. We are the 8th owners, buying the car unseen off ebay, in October 2009, over 250 miles away. We drove it home too. Since then it has been to France, Scotland and numerous trips to my parents in Kent.
Originally bought to standin for the estate which had impending sill issues, at least that is what I told Amanda when showing her the car on the Netbook, she said 'bid on it if you want to, but you realise that the estate is mine if you win!'

So there you have it. You now know that we have two mk2s, and I have a partner who is more than understanding.
You will most likely have noticed mistakes in this entry, and hopefully if you come back to read further entries you will see an improvement.
Thanks for being patient as I learn how to 'blog'


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