With mum and dad here until Wednesday, me unable to drive and FRanK wIthout MOT
a phonecall was made to my favourite test station and an appointment made for 11am tomorrow.
So after a trip to Morrisons in HOE to fill her and the 20L jerry can up for FRanK, dad then moved the three cars about to enable us to get FRanK out easily for his test.
A little driver's seat swapping was also done, with the Recaro used for and since the trackday, removed and replaced with HOE's original driver's seat. While dad swapped the cars I took this pic of a little piece of Canley in Doncaster.
I also had another quick look at the parts in the garage waiting to go on HOE as part of the EFI install.
First thing to go on will be the CW 6-3-1, should make her sound a little different..........once I can get about properly and start working on the cars that is. So it looks like I am planning how HOE will run, before I can walk!
So this will be the first proper drive Dad has had of FRanK, let's hope they don't find anything untoward at Conisborough tomorrow.